Unexpected turn (recovery stage).

PART 2 IS HERE - my post procedure situation. If you think this is a little too much information, then this post is not for you, either (first one is just as graphic). But trust me, a little information about health wouldn't kill - it truly depends if you're open to it or not. Let's get right down to it and make it short, shall we? 😁 As mentioned on my previous post, I have to go back weekly for wound-cleaning and check up. Definitely not a comfortable feeling because my gynecologists', Dato' Dr Ang, have to clean the wound (which is on the inside obviously) with iodine-soaked cotton balls, with the help of a pair of forceps. The uncomfortable feeling is due to the wound has not closed but I assure you, zero pain. 😲 But I'm very lucky for he's professional and a very humorous doctor - he ensure I'm always distracted with some laughter so he can quickly finish what he needed to do (I have a tendency to stall as I'm afraid, so he ain't buying my ...